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The Argument for Raw Food | Dr. Karen Becker

Dr. Karen Becker, a holistic veterinarian, is a leading advocate for raw feeding for pets. Her arguments for raw feeding are grounded in the belief that a species-appropriate diet, which mimics the ancestral diets of animals, leads to better overall health and longevity.

1. Ancestral Diet Alignment

  • Biologically Appropriate: Dr. Becker emphasizes that dogs and cats are carnivores by nature, with digestive systems designed to process raw meat, bones, and organs. Feeding raw food is closer to what their ancestors, wolves and wild cats, would eat in the wild. She points out that commercial kibble, which often contains fillers like grains and starches, is far removed from what these animals would naturally consume.

  • Digestive Efficiency: Raw foods are easier for dogs and cats to digest because they align with their natural enzymatic processes. The high moisture content of raw food also supports hydration, reducing the strain on their kidneys.

2. Nutritional Superiority

  • High-Quality Nutrition: Dr. Becker argues that raw diets offer superior nutritional quality, as they are rich in essential nutrients like amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that are minimally processed. Cooking food can destroy or alter these nutrients, leading to less bioavailability.

  • Optimal Protein and Fat Ratios: Raw diets generally have higher levels of quality protein and healthy fats compared to many commercial pet foods, which often rely on lower-quality protein sources or fillers.

3. Health Benefits

  • Improved Coat and Skin: Pets fed a raw diet often exhibit shinier coats and healthier skin. Dr. Becker attributes this to the balanced fatty acids found in raw meat and organs.

  • Dental Health: Raw feeding, especially with raw bones, promotes better dental hygiene by naturally cleaning teeth and preventing tartar buildup. In contrast, kibble can lead to dental issues because of its carbohydrate content.

  • Stronger Immune System: Raw food diets can enhance the immune system by reducing the exposure to processed ingredients and artificial additives. The natural vitamins and minerals in raw foods help support immune function.

  • Increased Energy and Vitality: Many pet owners report that their pets show increased energy, better weight management, and overall vitality on a raw food diet. Dr. Becker links this to the more bioavailable nutrients and lack of fillers found in raw food.

4. Reduced Allergies and Chronic Conditions

  • Allergy Reduction: Dr. Becker often points out that many pets suffer from allergies due to the grains, artificial ingredients, and preservatives in commercial pet foods. By switching to a raw diet, these allergens are eliminated, reducing the incidence of skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues, and other allergic reactions.

  • Management of Chronic Diseases: She argues that raw feeding can help manage or prevent chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and arthritis by providing balanced nutrition without excessive carbohydrates.

5. Ethical and Environmental Considerations

  • Sustainability: Dr. Becker sometimes highlights the environmental impact of commercial pet food production, which relies on large-scale industrial farming and processing. Raw feeding, especially when using ethically sourced ingredients, can be more sustainable and ethical, supporting smaller farms and reducing the carbon footprint.

  • Transparency: By feeding raw, pet owners have more control over the quality and sourcing of their pets’ food, leading to more ethical and health-conscious choices.

6. Critique of Commercial Pet Food Industry

  • Highly Processed Foods: Dr. Becker is critical of the commercial pet food industry for its reliance on highly processed ingredients, additives, and preservatives, which she believes are detrimental to pet health. She argues that many commercial foods are produced with profit, not nutrition, in mind, leading to poor-quality ingredients and compromised pet health.

  • Questionable Ingredient Quality: She raises concerns about the quality of meat used in commercial pet foods, which may include by-products and non-human-grade ingredients that are not nutritionally optimal.


Dr. Karen Becker’s advocacy for raw feeding is rooted in her belief that a species-appropriate, minimally processed diet leads to better health outcomes for pets. She presents raw feeding as a way to align pets’ diets with their evolutionary biology, offering improved nutrition, better overall health, and ethical benefits compared to commercial pet foods. However, she also emphasizes the importance of doing raw feeding correctly, with proper balancing of nutrients, to ensure pets receive a complete and safe diet.


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