My dog has gone missing...
What do I do?
The following advice covers both preventative measures, as well as the important and vital steps to take in the worrying instance of your dog going missing.
Be prepared.
1. Keep up to date photos / videos of your dog (headshots / whole dog / distinct markings etc)
2. Save photos / videos in your favourites (they should already), so that no time is wasted should an emergency occur.
3. Stop reading this blog. Go and check that your dog is wearing an ID tag (as is required by law) and that it is up to date and legible.
4. Ensure that microchip details are up to date (update details as soon as you bring the puppy / dog home, making sure the details are not registered to the breeder!) Should the worst occur, contact the microchip company and inform them.
5. If you are particularly worried - GPS trackers are now readily available and reasonably priced.
6. Make sure their collar / harness is appropriately fitted.
7. Pre-register your dog on (DogLost can give you excellent help and guidance, so if you are ever in this situation they are the people to contact immediately.)
IF your dog is currently missing.
8. Register all necessary details on
9. If you lose your dog in public - note exactly where you were and the time (eg. by screenshotting google maps).
10. Sightings and leads are imperative. Post all necessary details on local social media groups.
11. Contact and inform local police.
12. Contact and inform your local vet(s).
13. Contact and inform your local council(s).
14. Contact and inform your local dog warden(s).
15. Put one of their toys in a seal tight bag - a tracker dog can use it to identify their smell.
16. Search for your dog day and night - a missing dog will be frightened and is more likely to move at night.
K9 Anytime hopes this will never happen to you, but should the worst occur, let's be ready. Failure to prepare is preparation to fail, and dog ownership is something we have all undertaken understanding the responsibility and obligations involved. As wonderful animals dependent on our care and companionship, it is imperative that we care for them to the very best of our ability to provide them with the life they deserve.
